Holistic English

Collaborative and engaging classes and workshops designed specifically with the student in mind.


Education and Development



Tomas and his English students
Nº01 Class activity - Energy Chain

Overview  permalink

Classes include an array of interactive activities and games that require participants to take part in. The outcome of each course is to illicit proper learning development of the English langauge. Weaving known and time tested langauge teaching methodologies together. Teaching that is different from mainstream practice.

Methodology  permalink

We’ve adopted the ALL Alternative Language Learning methodology. 'Students are considered whole beings whose emotional, cognitive and social processes are cared for throughout the learning process.'

This methodology is centered on the student - thheir mind, body and emotions - thus ensuring natural, accelerated and brain-friendly learning. — ALL Method®

Nº02 Program recap

This learning programme is aimed specfically at Latin American immigrants who are new the English langauge and are adjusting to their new life in New Zealand

The first classes were held last year with inbound Latin American students. (An ethnic mix of Chilean, Colombian and Argentinean students.) After concluding training from All Method, myself and my colleague, facilitated a total of 10 classes.

"Learning with the Right and Left hemishpheres of the brain"
"Using all the senses to learn"

The English course teaches a Basic English aimed at non-English speakers and complete Beginners. The course material/manual is heavily focused on the construction industry within New Zealand, trades/tradie culture, New Zealand slang, common conversation/dialogues, and day in the life scenarios.

Nº04 Class 3
Nº04 Class 4